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; Tuesday, 28 August 2007{

sunday went dog show... quite fun.. was the only puppy so won 1st there was only 2 sammys so i won 2nd.. abit lame.. lol.. was there from 740am till ard 5 den me ken yy went to chomp chomp to eat dinner.. lol.. stingray + cuttlefish kangkong.. then after that we went home.. lol..
yest went to sch for the yep thing.. starts at 930 but we late so went at 11.. hehex.. purposely de =p .. supposed to end at 430 but they ended at 12+ so we went for lunch before going to queensway.. i needed to get some clothes.. lol.. went to ikea to shop awhile then we went to c the husky.. after that ken sent me for my piano lesson and back home..
today..woke up at 8+ den went to meet xy at clementi.. at 1015 then we went to cine to meet the rest asyraf calvin kit celest qi hua chicken.. watched hairspray.. alot of singing and dancing. nt much plot.. would give it a 3/5 lolx... after that we went to ps to best denki to get my stuff for the camera.. however they didnt have any stock.. haix.. xy got her screen protector and i changed mine.. after that went to bugis to shop.. lol.. me got a pouch for camera and a wallet however didnt get the bag i wanted cos didnt find anything that catches my eye.. lol.. after that we walked around awhile more then went for dinner .. didnt like the stupid drinks uncle.. after that we went home..

dreamy effect? lol

lazy dog.. 1st time c so lazy 1

me and loki b4 going into ring

Things will never be the same again..;;
9:27 pm

; Friday, 24 August 2007{

This morning met bec and mar to go gym.. in the end mar late.. cos
she lao sai =.= lol reached there around 830am then excercised till
around 9:00 den mar had stomach ache i continued till around 915
before leaving.. lol we went back to the shop outside dunearn to have
breakfast...that place sure brings memories.. lol.. it seemed years
since ive been there tho its only been 4+ months.. lol.. after bfast we
went home to shower and rest before meeting at JE MRT to go kbox.
when i was on my way to the bus stop, i waited at the traffic light..
a stupid bus drove pass and landed a spray of water onto my shirt..
bloody rain.. lol.. we all went to the kbox at marina and stayed there
till around 6.. lol big group we had so we had bigger room oso.. it was
damn cold.. practically froze my way through lol..after kbox we went
for dinner.. omg.. we took 1 hour + to decide on a place to eat.. walked
round the fountain of suntec afew times trying to decide on fish &
co or peppered lunch or crystal jade.. lol in the end after so much
time wasted, we decided on sth new which was the soup restaurant..
it was quite ex.. 8 ppl totaled $190+ lol.. it was soup , veg with
scallop, some minced pork with water chestnut and salted fish thing
, chicken, fish and peanuts.. lol.. after that expensive dinner, we went
to carrefour to buy 2 shirts cheng feng needed for work then went to
doughnut factory for doughnuts.. lol.. after that we all went home
taking the train from city hall interchange..

Things will never be the same again..;;
11:28 pm

; Thursday, 23 August 2007{

yesterday alot ppl came over to play.. Vivien, Kit, Celest, Xiao Yuan,
YY, Rachelle, Glenn, Ken, Calvin, Qi Hua, Wee Kiat, Zhi Kang did i
leave anyone out? lol. Vivien YY and I went to the polyclinic to have
our immunization for the china trip.. 3 jabs.. dots.. 1 on right leg 1 on
right hand 1 on left hand.. duno y the leg 1 no pain but rhe one on the
right arm makes my whole arm numb =.=.. anw after that ken drove
me to my family doc at teck whye as i needed 2 c him.. the checkup
was.. painful.. lol he gave me 4 medicine and costed 70+ I Think.. nt
sure the price le.. lol after tht we went back to my place and waited
for the others to come..lol.. when everyone came, we all had fun and
played my spoilt piano played an out of tune guitar lol some of them
played on com as they brought and so on.. After that me vivien yy ken
went to shop for the ingri for dinner and brought it back for cooking
we then went to c the litter of dogs which are at yio chu kang.. the
environment suck.. the whole place stank of poo and pee and the
ownders didnt bother clearing up untill we came.. gave up.. no quest
needed.. we just left.. when we came back everyone went to the roof
to look around.. played around abit and watched sunset.. lol.. vivien
started "emoing" at the top of the flight of stairs sitting there playin
guitar.. lol.. quite funny..When it was dinnertime everyone came down
as the table is set.. the chicken was... alot.. lol.. there was curry, fried
chicken, french beans, another veggie, soup, beer and soft drinks.. lol
of cos i didnt have any beer.. lol after dinner everyone slacked for
awhile before leaving we all walked with them to the bus stop....
YY Vivien Ken and Xiao Yuan stayed over..we played majong and
piano... had fun... ken left after awhile tho..lol.. so ex.. msia to sg
20$ per entry.. =/ aft he left we played abit more majong... and
as YY slept for awhile we looked at pics i took.. and laughed.. lol
quite funny sia the multiple pics i took =p.. we then sat down to
chat.. so mani stuff we chatted abt.. lol... we chatted till 6+then slept..
vivien had kbox today so she left at 7.. YY and Xiao Yuan left at 730 aft
that.. lol i walked them to the bus stop then came back to bath and sleep
.. slept till now... 4+.. lol

Things will never be the same again..;;
4:34 pm

; Tuesday, 21 August 2007{

exams ended!! whahahahahahaahha IPC = GONER wahahahahahahaha
after exams we all went to PS to have lunch then we walked around
for awhile before going up to best denki where i bought my 3 cams..
2 for mom 1 for me.. got the sony cybershot T100 for myself and
the duno ad 55 for my mom lol... after that we chatted and walked
and chatted and walked for awhile before we all left for home..
in the bus i tried my cam and it was quite gd.. lol.. took afew pics of
yy and xy and of the "scenery" outside =X


Things will never be the same again..;;
9:37 pm

; Monday, 20 August 2007{

Today while going home had so weird thoughts..
I thought about how we treat those PRs as 2nd class citizens and
thought about how if u go to Australia to be a PR u will become a
3rd class citizen cos ang mos are the 1st class there, the Native
Black Americans are the 2nd class and the 3rd class will be the
PRs that live there.

This thought linked to me feeling that in everyone's hearts will

definitely have 1st class 2nd class 3rd class and so on classifications
of people.. Like family & loved ones will be the "1st class" in ur
heart followed by close friends and relatives being the "2nd class"
and not so close friends being the "3rd class" so on and so forth.

Things will never be the same again..;;
7:40 pm

; Sunday, 19 August 2007{

fri had maths.. ez paper.. but lost 1 qns which = 13 marks.. .wth... I careless 1st step den whole qn wrong asssssss... nvm ytd (sat) was thermo paper.. killer paper... haiz hope can pass ba.... haiz...
today now studying bio... alot to memorize.. hope teacher give simple and mark leniently ba haha! halfway thru liao... bored.. so came to blog.. actually wanted to blog aft exams de.. but.. haha.. o well i go back to my studies le..
MOM wants 2 digi cam and told me if i can help her get, she get 1 for me too =.= directly after exams too.. lol on tues..


Things will never be the same again..;;
6:50 pm

; Thursday, 16 August 2007{

today went to sch to meet ms min to ask afew qns.. went to meet calvin xy kit outside emart.. for some reason, xy came at 9+... 1st time so early.. lol.. i got dad to fetch me to sch and as they forgot to take sumthing, they had to turn back to pick it up.. causin me to reach at 10 instead of 930 =.= nvm since meetin time is 10 =p .. we went to meet ms min in the office and found houhow and benjamin inside.. we discussed with miss min awhile before she left to do her stuff.. we all then went for lunch at canteen 3 followed by going into the library..
In the library we could nt find a big table and rooms are all booked so we went to the computer tables which are very small and studied there. lol calvin left as he wanted go home study =p thermo is hard.. haiz.. i think im dead for ipc =.= after studying, or rather finishing up a paper, we went home.. me and xy took 61 and we went west mall to have pure chocolate.. lol could nt finish so we shared it.and went off home after the drink ^^ 6+ le.. sian


Things will never be the same again..;;
6:19 pm

; Wednesday, 15 August 2007{

yest went to sch early 2 meet the others to ask lecturer qns .. aradhana and lawrence yap.. we asked quite alot of questions and understooded them.. after that we went for lunch and went home.
Xiao yuan Celest Kit YY came over to my place to study.. we did abit of work then they started playing with loki and the piano.. haha.. after that around 5+ they all went home.. lol..
Jan called me and asked if i want ot go watch rush hour 3 with them. i said ok then called my sis ask her send me to west mall.. lol i met zx wl they all in the food court in west mall then went up to the cinema to watch.. the show was quite funny. lol..then went home after the movie.. reached home around 10+or11+ dun rem le.. lol
This morning supposed to meet at 10 but woke up late.. so asked sis to send me there. smsed xy and she said she in clementi liao.. haha just when my sis just drove me out of the hse.. however i reached earlier than her =.= haha duno why oso =X we met kit and calvin and we got a room and did our work in there.. actually wanted to ask miss min about some qns however could nt contact her and she was also not in her office.. so we did abit of work before going for lunch then meeting the maths lecturer for more qns.. lol.. we did abit more work with her before leaving for home.. lol
me and xy took 61 and she pei-ed me to west mall as i wanted to get coffee bean southern blend.. after that we went to the bus stop and she took 157 while i took 985 back home.
tts all! heex.. JY!

Things will never be the same again..;;
6:42 pm

; Saturday, 11 August 2007{

Woke up late today.. woke up at 1020 while i arranged to meet xiao yuan at 1030 at clementi bus interchange.. aiyox.. i saw my msges and she says she will be late so i hurried and cabbed down to the station and found that shes nt there yet.. haha. she reached around 11+ and we took bus 7down to bugis national library.. lol we went to the higher floors and found that the library was actually on the 1st floor and the higher floor consist of a packed studyarea.. alot of ppl.. lol so we went down and found kit there. she pei us for awhile before leavin.. lol kit cut her hair sia.. haha after that we just sat at the chair "studying" but actually half the time was playing typing of the dead.. lol e moved to the plug after the person using it left so i could charge my laptop.. around 3+ the couple came (yy and ken) and sat down for awhile.. we all left around 6+ and went to fetch vivien to go to cinema for the movie secret..
The movie was.. quite ok quite nice.. lol


Things will never be the same again..;;
11:41 pm

; Tuesday, 7 August 2007{

today went early to school to study ipc however we ended up playing lol cos i did abit of thermo and noone wanted to study.. haiz.. lol after that we went to canteen 1 and met xy and yy there. had lunch then went for maths.. today maths was quite ez and finished it before the teacher go thru the prev qns.. lol so we (me kit xy) ended up chatting the last few minutes.. we then went to emart to meet celest they all to prepare for thermo.. added afew slides and prepared for speech. me calv chicken qi hua went to change into our formal attire then we went to meet ther others before going up. we went into the room and started presenting. half way through ms min had something urgent to do so we had a small break. we chatted and vivien sat on my left lap and kit sat on vivien.. this 2 mad things lol.. however yy said something halfway through and i was lyk.. wth?.. but i dun think i showed that reaction... after the other 2 groups presented, we all went home. lol 1st speaker of 1st group is always scary.


Things will never be the same again..;;
8:12 pm

; Monday, 6 August 2007{

tomorrow presentation i still have time over here updatin my blog.. omg.. lol well.. today went for 1 hour bio (ponned the 2nd hour, we just left the LT) however celest was "angri" as we didnt tell her we comin in for even tht 1 hr haha.. we were supposed to pon the whole 2 hours de =p after that we went to do abit of thermo before we (the EM1 ppl) went for maths.. lol boring lesson today.. no new stuff cos all finish le so we did paper lo.. haha..today so mani ppl sick.. kit got flu and lost her voice, asyraf coughing and xy has a headache.. haiz.. poor things.. after maths we went to emart to sit awhile while some of them did thermo then me kit calvin wei jie qi hua and xy went to library to "kope" rooms to watch resident evil 2.. lol watch halfway had to move to another room cos others come liao.. we watched till aroudn 2/3 of the movie before leavin..already 530 liao lol.. we then went back home...


Things will never be the same again..;;
8:26 pm

; Saturday, 4 August 2007{

omg i drank choya and now i very xin ku =.= allergic still drink smart me =.=

Things will never be the same again..;;
11:50 pm

; Wednesday, 1 August 2007{

Today woke up at 7+ and ordered mac while waitin fr yy 2 come over..after she came over i waited fr sis 2 wake up then we went to the cathay.. when i reach (at 11) there was already a damn long queue.. haiz.. and since they giving out oni 100 pcs, we didnt get the cd. lol.. sianned.. we then waited for xy to come before going off for lunch at jacks place in bugis.. quite ex but the food was ok ^^ we then went to the national library and met kit to do abit of math before me going back to sch for the bday pty of edah then went for gls.. today had abit of warm up and as it rained, we only had games session.. quite fun ba.. but duno y quite tired.. haiz.. after that bought concession and went home. reach home around 1045pm ... tired.. going sleep le... haiz..

Things will never be the same again..;;
10:58 pm