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; Thursday, 27 September 2007{

hopefully i remember..

On the first day we went to airport freaking early...
at 6 we had 2 reach the airport.. sis brought loki
along too.. didnt noe anyone there at first.. only
vivien and yy.. and i rem v clearly tht my butt was
in alot of discomfort.. haiz.. painkiller oso nt much use
.. after that we went to check in our luggage then
went on board the plane.. b4 going up went to get a
gel cos i forgot 2 bring the 1 doc gave.. went on board
the plane and went to guang zhou for transit.. we
bought some stuff as there was 5 hours waiting time.
shopped for awhile then we boarded the plant to
guizhou.. we stayed in peoples hotel for the night..
dinner was weird.. the food is really new.. never eat
before.. it tastes and smellsabit lyk the food my
fathers' thai workers cook.. lol..

Day 2 we left the hotel for this 12 hour bus ride...
it was horrible.. i could not sit for long due to butt's
wound..but no choice.. bus ride 12 hour on mountain
road.. cannot stand.. endure lo.. the breaks inbetween
were real reliefs.. haha.. we entered a small town for
lunch and i bought some fruits.. dinner was at another
place with very low stools... it was near the motel we
had 2 stay for the night.. they only served wine so i
did not get to drink anything.. lol.. at night went to the
girls side to bathe (teacher say can) cos only their side
got hot water bath.. well.. it was quite late liao.. and
when i finished bathing, they closed the doors.. cannot
go out back to the guys apt.. dots... so slept at the foot
of vivien and yy's bed... in the room oso had 3 other
guys and 2 girls..tt was the 1st few whom i met ba.. lol
they started talkin abt ghost stories then to hmm jokes?
haha... tt night abit hard sleep.. =.= keep gettin kicked
and became a leg rest =.= lol.. but it was ok lol... better
than sleepin on floor ba? =p

Day 3.. we went to buy shoes and boots for the trail to
the village.. it was a 6.5km walk there... lol.. quite fun..
took many pics however.. right at the critical point which
was at the welcome ceremony, no more batt.. dots..forgot
to charge battery.. lol.. wasted.. at the welcome ceremony,
we all had 2 drink wine in order to go in.. they also played
their traditional instrument.. the wine i only had half the
cup which was 1 mouthful.. man it was strong.. made my
eyes water.. 1st time drinkin so strg alcohol.. and i gulped
down a bottle of water.. as im allergic.. haiz. after we went
in we had 2 cross a stream.. the stream water was
cooooooooooooling.... omg... lol.... went to the bball court to
gather and briefing..allocated rooms and we went to c the
toilet... omg.. was horrible.. tt was the first reaction however
we all got used to it in the end.. lol.. lucky tt days cooking
group was nt my grp.. cos damn shack.. the 1st grp did the
cooking.. lol.. poor them..

For the next 9 days, we stayed at the village..

first few days we bathed and washed clothes at the stream..
lol.. more and more ppl got injured at the foot like simone
and jing shun.. and i also found glass fragment in the stream..
so after the 3rd day in the village we didnt go to the stream
to bathe le... but bathing there was fun..all the splashing and
washing and scrubbing.. everyone bathe together.. ( of cos
with clothes on =p ) after tt we went to the bathroom to
bathe.. its made of wood and had 2 cubicals which
is covered with canvas... haha.. and the water was.. v cold..
such that when u scoop the water with a cup, there wud b
condensation at the side...lol.. it was mountain spring water..
the stream was of the same temp too..


When we were the cooking group, yy vivien went to buy the
stuff i need to cook with while i prepare the ingri for lunch..
everyday our meals will have kangkong and bai cai.. bean
sprout and tofu oso.. haiz.. lol.. i was the 1 doin most of the
cooking, quynh fried the tofu tho.. lol.. did quite afew
experiments with the food.. lyk oyster sauce for the egg and
oyster sauce for the meat.. haha.. on the 2nd day tho we
were nt the cooking grp, i still went to the kitchen to fry egg
fr some of us.. haha.. cos everyday porridge or noodles for
bfast.. abit sian... lol.. use till no more gas.. haha.. we went
outside to build fire to cont frying.. the cooking grp oso
needed to wash plates and wash toilet which we did as a group

We did some work lyk trying 2 level a hill.. we took 2 days
to level half of it and when the excavator came it took only
half an hour.. haiz.. we also moved big rocks to the
upperstream to make some sort of a stone path for ppl
2 walk across.. lol there was also ploughing
of the padi fields and catching fish in it, we caught ducks for
dinner, we interacted with the families through interviews
and understood them better, we took pics with the kids
ard the school, we watched stars, we sang on the last day..
it was a really new experience for me and now that i think
back its amazing how they live so happily even if they have
so limited supplies.. earning 10k RMB a year which is 2k
SGD... some even less..

On the last day in the village, everyone drank alot.. vivien
seemed abit drunk.. was so high..singing all the while.. well
basically everyone was quite high tt night.. even for those
who didnt drink at all lyk Liu Yin.. haha..

after we woke up the next day, we had 2 get everything
down and we all went bck to the town.. to take the 12 hour
journey back.. we stayed in peoples hotel tt night..

21st Sept 2007
We were supposed to to to the waterfall to c it and buy
stuff to bring back but wen ping fell sick.. so we had 2 cancell
and bring her to the hospital.. it was a whole free day for us..
we splitted into ard 2 or 3 groups and went off to explore and
shop on our own. lol.. my group was me, vivien, yy ,simone,
huan jie, jing shun, liu yin, Derrick, jane, xiaoxiao, quynh.. we went to
the shopping centre and walked.. i bought an adidas jacket
for myself and the others also bought some stuff.. quynh
xiaoxiao jane and yy went to have a haircut.. each was ard 100
sgd total.. perm + dye,hilight + treatment + cut.. lol.. Derrick oso
had a haircut and permed.. haha..After their haircut, we went to
some night market to have dinner.. omg there was snails dog meat
live fish clams beef some lobster like prawn and some others.. lol
after dinner we went back to the hotel.. to rest..

The Next Day

We went shopping yet again.. this time i bought 1 bag and another
adidas jacket for my sis..lol... no money liao.. didnt bring enuff sadx..
walked for quite long.. lol we even changed money with the
teacher lol... quite nice of him.. exchangin at a loss =/..
We had steamboat for dinner tht night.. was nice.. better than
eating at the night mkt.. sucks.. lol..

Coming back to singapore...

Well.. The last day in china... nth much to say.. just bought
some stuff at the airport in guang zhou 7 hrs transit... lol
and got chilli for mom..bought wine at singapore airport..
collected luggages bid the cliche of 15 days farewell then
headed for home.. my parents sent Jane and Quynh back..

Think I will miss the cliche in this trip the new friends we
made.., and mostly, the village..

Things will never be the same again..;;
4:29 pm

; Friday, 7 September 2007{

today was late for piano .. after that went to je to meet xy to pass her notes and to cut my hair.. she brought me to her frens shop.. haha.. the hairdresser quite a nice person.. let us haf lunch in her shop.. lol.. after cutting hair xy's frenz nic and lydia came lol.. we walked bac then i went up w/ xy to transfer files and to crack the RCT2 then went home.. lol bored now so decided to give 1 really last entry b4 my trip.. heex.. 2 more days to china trip i duno y i so not excited.. mayb cos my butt hurts ba? =/ lol..

Things will never be the same again..;;
8:25 pm

; Wednesday, 5 September 2007{

going china soon.. haven pack haha. nex few days cfm alot things 2 do.. haha.. today went for gl training.. so sad i cant participate in the water games cos painnn butt hurts.. so sad... it was so fun... lol.. the gls were nice ppl =p
nex pose wud b aft the 15 days ba.. i noticed i typed pose but i lazy change
hai haha
dunwan talk le
boing boing

Things will never be the same again..;;
9:45 pm

; Monday, 3 September 2007{

its been almost a week since my last entry.. lol but also,
nt many things happened during that week.. or rather..
i cant really remember haha.. oni rem tt tym went for
yep meeting i think it was a thurs? lol we were let off at
around 12 then we went to GNC to buy vitamins for the
trip to china then we went to the music shop to look
around.. vivien and i bought a harmonica each and i tried
2 learn lol.. we watched the last epi of 1 litre of tears and
as usual i didnt shed a single 1 duno y... oni think that its
v sad... lol this made SOME ppl say tht im heartless haha..
after the show vivien had to go for db so we went back to
school from bt timah shopping centre then i helped her
copy 1 litre of tears and her other show into a dvd for her.
after that me and yy went to the swimming pool lockers to
put the cd into her locker. it was funny.. we almost made
the locker permanently shut with a random pin.. lol.. heng..
we then went to the atrium and sat down to chat cos it was
RAINING!!! lol.. chatted abt some stuff.. cant be disclosed
;p.. yy wanted to c loki after that so she came over to c him
and haf dinner before going home..

forgot wad happened on fri and sat..
sunday went out with wl zx bao cw jack jan fraser to IRC bt
timah.. then went for century pool then went home haha..
boing thats all duno wad else 2 write..

tearing and crying are 2 different things!! ^^


Things will never be the same again..;;
10:56 am