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; Sunday, 13 January 2008{

heard a sad story on the bus afew days ago..
shall repeat the story and for conveineance sake i shall use I as the troubled person.
A year ago I met her in a camp and we got along well. Well a camp is a camp. As usual all of us exchange contact email and number after the camp.. not expecting much from the exchange I went back home and added everyone into my msn.
Through the year we msned occasionally. Then one day when we talked on msn, we decided to meet up for a drink. It was after this meeting then we started texting each other both online and on phone. we can call and chat till the wee hours in the morning.. It was really good chemistry between the two of us.. it was almost as if it was more than a friendship.. it was like if I have a problem i wont hestitate to call her and vice versa.. As time flew by.. I felt that i liked her and decided to confess to her. we were really really close at that time..
I asked her out for a dinner and it was there that i told her.. She did not say no but neither did she say yes.. after that day we continued chatting as usual and keeping contact..
I had to go back overseas for a month... After a week or so, she sent me a letter sayin how much she missed me and so on.. It was then that I knew she accepted..
It was as if i was on cloud nine.. i was so happy..
however tragedy happened afew months later...
my mother found my letter..
as I was having exams and projects that period, when my mother confronted me with it, I shouted "Yes i like her SO?!" i knew i shld nt have done that but.. thats nt the point..Then, She called her (goodness knows how she got her number) when i was not around.. and when i got the wind of it, it was too late... goodness knows what she told her... so i kept tryin to sms her but to no avail.. it was useless.. there was no reply.. calls were hung..
after a long time.. afew days later.. she sent a msg sayin we shldent meet up anymore... and I asked her out to clear things up.... she agreed.. when i met her this time.. she wasnt lyk before.. she was distant and cold.. we sat down in the coffee shop and i learnt that my mother talked to her dad first then her... her dad did not scold her but told her " you know what to do.."... I apologised and knew from the moment she left the coffee shop nothing will save this relationship which didnt really start..
I understand that my mother wanted the best for me and wants me to concentrate on my studies but... I really dont understand.. why cant we just be normal friends.. from what I can see she dont even want to continue the friendship..
Maybe I need to give her some time..
This is the story i accidentally overheard on the bus 184.. on the way home..
sigh.. pooor guy..
Yesterday was madness...on the way home frm wisma, i took 171.. omg...!! i sat at the seat wher i face the back of the bus.. then afew skimply dressed girls sat infront of and beside me.. ok.. i duno wher to put my eyes so i looked at the beack of the bus.. then afew people alighted and for some freaking reason more skimply dressed girls came up and sat behind the bus.. diao.. so i looked out the window.. bukit timah the centre is the same for the whole stretch.. causing me to miss my freaking stop.. omg.. jus cos i didnt want to accidentally stare... =.=

Things will never be the same again..;;
11:13 pm

; Tuesday, 1 January 2008{

ok 3 days ago i went fishing.. msia kelong.. was fun.. except for some buggers who turned on their hokkien songs and blasted 24/7 =. = when i went up i had a shock.. the kelong changed so much since the last time i went up.. they lengthened the side and demolished the old side of the building.. those ppl... are idiots... was fishing by myself in the big hole using the fake squid.. then 1 other person came.. which is frm tt group... use the exact same thing and fished beside me... after tht ANOTHER 1 frm tht samegrp came and fished in the damn hole...asses =.= nvm.. my maids were fishing using the leftover food.. when they ran out they went over to the other grp to ask for some (they took the whole morning's left over food the diameter of the plate is almost 1m =.= ) and tt bugger refused to give even a little.. sigh. selfish ppl wont go far =.= anw... i shall post some fotos nw.. btw sry to 5N ppl!! i didnt noe uall coming yest for bbq which i didnt noe abt =.= misscommunication ba.. hai uall 10+ ppl stand outside wait =.=

Things will never be the same again..;;
6:50 pm