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; Saturday, 31 May 2008{

well.. its been ages since i blogged.. and dun think ppl read anymore due to my over inactiveness haha oh well..
so many many things happened these 2 months.. from the committee elections to the projects and the worst was during the last week where we had to rush rush and rush even more to complete our 2 projects which was due yesterday 1 was 30% of overall and the other is 20% of overall manessssss.. the presentation was quite fun for ENV cos the teacher kept skipping our slides... it was lyk.. zomg.. most of my slides got skipped cos he read thru liao =.= but its ok he said we all did well (tho i suspect he told that to every class =.=) oh well. i feel ive been lucky these 1 year ++ cos I always had groups who WORKED and each person did their part probably the only times where there were ppl who didnt work, that person is me =X=X...
next week is the exams and its scary.. so fast common tests liao half a sem gone alr and i still havent caught up with my subjects.. now gotta work doubly hard...
studying now and to slack i come type blog =.= haiz shd nt b lazy liao
dunwan fail
and retake mods
and change class
jy ah JY

Things will never be the same again..;;
3:31 pm