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; Sunday, 17 August 2008{

As thoughts flows through naturally..
many things happened these few days..
from conflicts within the class to exams..
yesterday was my emat paper.. to me it was do-able...

somehow i had enough sleep.. around 4 hours each day would suffice for me.. its alot better
than having no sleep at all...

I really dunno what to say here..
thoughts flow through my mind.. so much yet none can be put down in words as they come and go very fast.. and those that are remembered will be put down in private blogs..

Things will never be the same again..;;
1:21 am

; Thursday, 14 August 2008{

Thoughts run through my mind very the often.... i think it would be the same for everyone out there? its only whether we say it out or not..
This thought came to me quite often.. and my friend asked me this too..
we often say that our secondary school friends are the best.. they really know what you are thinking.. they really are people who can keep your secrets.. they really are those whom you can tan xing shi with.. however.. is it because of this thought so we do not accept those others who really want to be part of your group of confidants? is it because of this thought so we will see others as Just Friends? lets say that your current classmates and your secondary school friends swapped positions and now your secondary school friends are your poly friends and poly friends are your secondary school friends.. would you still say your secondary school friends are the best? if so wont it be because of the time spent together and a major switch of environment causes us to be more on guard? harder to accept and confide in your new batch of friends?
Sometimes I really want people to share but its probably this mindset that sets the barrier between us..

Things will never be the same again..;;
7:38 pm

; Monday, 11 August 2008{

Direct translation :
a couple is like birds in a forest, they fly in different directions when there is danger
It actually might have meant:
Together when times are good, divided when times are bad
Is the phrase true?
probably is to a certain extent and to certain people =)

Things will never be the same again..;;
11:10 am

; {

Selfishness denotes the precedence given in thought or deed to the self. - wiki
and definition from dictionary.com is
1. Devoted to or caring only for oneself, concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others
2. Characterized by or manifesting concern or care only for oneself : selfish motives.

Everyones selfish right? 人不为己天诛地灭so..
Friends help each other because each
individual enjoys helpin each other and having each other's company and so they are selfish by helpin each other so that they feel better?
( its like Ok I feel good helping you so i will help ).
and from another angle, they can become friends because they truly care for one another..

Most social welfare workers and volunteers do their part in helping others because they pity them and feel sad for them and in order to get rid of that feeling, they go and help the others and its not to really love and show care and concern for them thus they are selfish? yes.
And from another angle, there might really be people who can show love and really care for alot of people at the same time..

Someone is about to get into an accident for example an overhead metal bar is hanging precariously above someone's head people will save that someone and this is because they do not want to be traumatized by the scene for life. and its not to really show concern. so thats selfishness? yes.
however there are people who can easily get influenced to show genuine care for a person offhand.

lets say that if a limp stranger tells you another stranger is getting beaten away and you are the only one who can help but you will have to travel quite a distance to get to the scene. lets say you do go help.. This is because you do not want to feel guilty if the person dies or gets seriously injured if you could help. so this is selfishness?

well.. nobody can judge if the person is selfish or not.. only you know yourself.. sometimes a guy might say hes selfish in certain areas and this is just to maintain his ego.. in actual fact he is not..
and yet some people might say someone is not selfish at all and this is to save his own face.. yes he is selfish but only in the area of not wanting to look bad.. whereas in other aspects maybe not..
everyone is selfish that is true but does not apply to every aspect of an individual..
its all in the mind...
thats why people can only judge an act and not the person.. so its easier to say "that was a selfish act" than "he is a selfish person"
人心难测。。。 The hardest thing to do on earth is probably to read another person's mind.. and yet if you are really able to, you might go mad with the amount of thoughts that could run through a single brain at the same time..

Just some things I thought about during the sleepless nights..

Things will never be the same again..;;
9:59 am

; Saturday, 9 August 2008{

today went to watch money no enough 2.. quite a nice show i find.. altho abit the long lol.. i rem alot of ppl were laughing when I was thinking alot about some parts..
I guess when we are old.. we will become like that.. it will feel terrible to become a burden to everyone.. and yet you wont want them to dun care about you.. especially if they are your kids and family.. after giving so much of love, care and concern to everyone.. they will in the end just find you a burden when you are old sickly and are barely able to move.. this is the hard fact the terrible truth of life..
maybe it will be better to be lonely and never experience the love of bringing up a family only to be taken as a burden next time..
but some would say that to live life to the fullest we must experience everything from love to sadness and loneliness.. =/

what a movie..
pool was fun too

Things will never be the same again..;;
8:47 pm

; {


Author: Thomas E. Napper

I was thinking about you today
and I do that a lot it seems.
You're always in my heart by day,
at night you drift into my dreams.

I cannot shake these feelings for you,
but then I'd never had a desire to.
The blessing of our love and friendship,
is something I want to share with you.

I want to feel you near me,
when you're so far away.
I hope you feel me in your heart,
as you travel your path today.

Footprints in the sands of time,
walking closer towards each other.
Holding hands and sharing love,
which will not be meant for another.

These are some of the memories,
that come with thoughts of you.
These feelings are from my very heart,
and something you can hold as true.
Was lookin through the webs and this was was i saw..
just posting =)
happy national day everyone..
the only 08/08/08 we can have in a lifetime =)
and yet it has to fall on lunar 7th month =.=
nex time would me 09/09/09


Things will never be the same again..;;
1:42 am

; {

well happy go lucky

Things will never be the same again..;;
1:31 am

; Wednesday, 6 August 2008{

I went through afew of my friends blogs today.. reading through how they went through their lives up till now.. everyone has their own set of problems... their own set of lives to live.. although 1 and a half years is not really a long time.. but its not short either.. everyone more or less changed.. some becoming more mature and some more outspoken.. yes I do have problems..but as I compare these to the other things others written, it feels so small.. although there is no actual scale to how large a problem is... it all depends on each individual.. like some people can think that woo-ing someone is a major problem while there are people who changes every day.. just a comparison..
Somehow.. I also feel that our class has drifted away... each into their own set of lives.. well this cant be helped.. as we are in different schools now.. it now all depends on whether we would make the effort to come down for gatherings when anyone organized them...


Things will never be the same again..;;
8:54 pm

; Sunday, 3 August 2008{

CW WL ZX BAO came over today to do work.. we played abit and worked abit .. had a good time.. theres this mail which I recieved before and it was sent to me again today.. if anyone did buy the book would you please send me a copy? its like only available from online and its not sold in bookstores.. =/
i bet quite a number of you ppl already read this story.. but heres the link.
its about A Sad Singapore Junior College Love Story

will that time be the right time?
what should be said and what should not?

Things will never be the same again..;;
11:09 pm

; Friday, 1 August 2008{

YY and I went to school and she went for her CCT. I went to find PF and the group in LSCT and we more or less finished the report.. we were like.. dun care le la copy and paste la lol.. after awhile, I went down to canteen 1 to meet Xiao Yuan and Kit. Xiao Yuan had a fever so she ate mostly vegetables from the "yong tau foo" stall.. tho shes sick, she wanted cold drinks.. so made her share with kit so she wont drink so much. plain water would be a better choice.. anw we went to tphm and met the others.. Celest, Rachelle and the guys.. and jus nice ms mya was going for her meeting so had to wait around an hour for her.. during that hour, calvin they all asked me go over to "o ya pei ya som" to see who shall be the one tht will collate... o well expected.. im "the one"!! haha.. after mya came, everyone went to 1 room and listened to her teach tutorials 7 8 and 9.. Xiao Yuan left halfway because she was sick and could not continue anymore.. and being the blur her, she left her jeans in the room.. so she got kit to help her bring back anw after she left ms mya continued for awhile and taught us diffusion thingy.. well I gained abit from that just nid 2 practice.. after that rachelle still wanted to continue.. but we didnt want to cos need to digest all the information.. we are humans not robots lol..
xy ah must see doctor, take medicine, rest and take care..!! alot stress these 2 weeks.. and 1st exam is exactly 2 weeks from now.. yes.. next next friday.. no more junk foods~!


Things will never be the same again..;;
5:20 pm