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; Saturday, 31 October 2009{

I think some misunderstandings are forming.. probably screwing everything up =.=!
im not doing what uall think i am doing!! =/
sigh.. lol..
h8 the feeling of being so alone LoL
wad to do?
rather tired..
why am i stuck at home when everyones enjoying themselves.. sigh..
hmm i wonder.. was I like that when i get addicted to a game? haha..
they seem so =.=

Things will never be the same again..;;
7:45 pm

; Tuesday, 27 October 2009{

School kickstarted.. assignments starts rolling in.. things start to get busy.. good to keep stuffs off my mind haha..
lesson on sat ended rather rushed.. i guess.. dun really get it but oh well lolx..
not a single word since that day also anw..
anw after that went for desmond's bday party and the theme was hat!! everyone needed to wear 1 :p lucky me got 1 last min with xy hehe.. daddy let me drive his car as sis was in m'sia.. whee the car is nice to drive.. cept that had to be more careful thus more stressful driving it :p
*p.s. the only thing was that at least half of the ppl there were either attached or brought their partners along =.=! making us singles seem weird :p LOLX*
well..other than that nothing much happened i guess..
Mar.. as much as i can tell u my opinions on what shd b done, I myself cant seem to follow them haha.. anws good luck to both of u :p
im tired.. lol nitez everyone..


Things will never be the same again..;;
10:52 pm

; Tuesday, 20 October 2009{

i really dunno what ur thinking.. u give me hope only to take it away from me again..
why does it have to be this way..?
whats so bad that u cant tell me?
its been 5 months.. u asked me not to wait is it because u knew all along this would happen?
even IF u do leave him i dont think i will be the one u will choose right?


Things will never be the same again..;;
7:55 pm

; Monday, 19 October 2009{

it hurts.. it truly does.. love is just so painful and blind..
i look upon ur relationships with eyes filled with envy..
(interesting.. envy is a sin)
what can be more blissful than being silly together and laugh together in each others arms..
u wonder why are u the way u are while i wonder why do i always think so much..? and the answer will be the same.. its because u are u and i am me.. i guess thats some of the things that divides each and everyone of us.. ? to u im probably just like any other out there..
tho i refuse to believe her, what my friend says is probably true..to an extent.. noone is special in anyones life.. special enough to change them..

Sometimes. loving is like having a broken pair of ribs, it looks fine on the outside...but every breath that you take..HURTS

Things will never be the same again..;;
6:08 pm

; Sunday, 18 October 2009{

Just came back from msia.. the trip was fine.. sigh..
the spark is still there.. and the movie is 500 days of summer.. sigh.. go watch it.. tho its not e best but still watchable..

Things will never be the same again..;;
11:16 pm

; Wednesday, 14 October 2009{

funny video.. rihanna ~! umbrella!! LoL!
and haf a look at this!! pck imitate ris
wahh today super drama in CPTC!! and all i can say is NYP sarks. and the security guard sarks... hehe...
mar ah!!! learn to let go!! or at the very least start accepting right from the beginning again.. =)) might help u noe hehe..
today.. movie.. reminds me of someone... sigh.. lol.. got pissed after the movie.. so everything that goes wrong blame the guy for being stupid and the girl has nothing to do with it lah..??

Love works in magical ways but never be fooled by the promise of forever. There will come a time when the spark will die and when that time comes, we must learn to let go no matter how painful.

Things will never be the same again..;;
11:50 pm

; Tuesday, 13 October 2009{

SHIFT WORK ENDED!! FINALLY!!! blehx now haf to study for wed exam.. finals..
lol.. well.. tho tiring it was quite resonably fun bah.. jus that shift work probably wil cause me to gain weight as when theres nothing to do, we eat to keep awake.. lol...

well... i think this applies to alot alot alot of people out there be it which side is it... "Funny how everyone thinks that making promises will somehow help. In the end it will only hurt you more when they break them."

Things will never be the same again..;;
1:10 am

; Thursday, 8 October 2009{

In life we strive for many dreams and desires but the greatest goal to achieve in life, is to feel healthily unconditional love

LoL~ shift work sarks to the max hehe~ work work 12 hours.. even tho its easy to get used to.. it still is not enjoyable... lol..

yesterday went to essential brew in holland V (mar intro-ed the place) lol the floral tea is nice =)) love teaaa~ haha... went with minjie kit vivien siti.. hehe.. TCSS till around 11+ then go home..
hopefully can change car soon.. mkt ytd dropped again blehx!!! gotta keep closer watch LoL
anw good to see that mar~ u2 are doing better!! jiayous~ u haf my fullest support!! =))

this is quite cool~

Things will never be the same again..;;
6:19 pm

; Tuesday, 6 October 2009{

Its been long since I really put my link on my email haha.. bet everyones forgot about it :P should be frequenting more bah.. cept that I am lazy uploading fotos so its all words boring!! to be read before sleeping :p


Love can make you happy but often times it hurts, but love is only special when you give it to who it’s worth.

Things will never be the same again..;;
12:53 am

; Sunday, 4 October 2009{

whee mooncake festival was fun~! ^^ went to some karaoke place in cdans for some singing session omg lahh they selected some really oldold songs in chi and eng and even canto... ^^ then had to leave ard half an hour early to get to chong pang seafood restaurant at bukit timah luckily sis got off early so i can use the car hehe.. dragged xy there too ^^
The food wasnt too bad.. its abit like soul garden cept that there more variety and no aircon =P had abit of TCSS gossiping teasing lol.. introduced xy to them..
hurr after that ard 1015 (we reached at 730) we left the place and everyone came over.. and the guys went to prepare the "performance" for xy which they promised to do haha~~ funny quite cool they danced sorry sorry for her =Pp the day ended with me sending amelia and xy back and the guys stayed overnight hehe... fun day ^^


Things will never be the same again..;;
9:26 pm